Nicaragua Mission Trip

Life on Mission

Not many people get to experience life on mission, let alone a week. 

With MCF, you’ll spend one of the most impactful weeks of your college experience living on mission in a third world country.

Real People.
Real Impact.

Going to Puerto Cabezas, Nicargagua gives you the opportunity to have direct impact in the lives of children. During our bi-annual Nicaragua trip, you have the opportunity to help at a local food distribution center, work on service projects and be involved in the work that Jesus is doing.

MCFstudents has been involved in missions work in Nicaragua since 2008 with Verbo Ministries and Pastor Earl Bowie in Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua.

Interested in going to Nicaragua?

The people of Nicaragua are materially impoverished and yet spiritually affluent. Rarely is such faith demonstrated in America. Would you pray about making an immediate and dramatic difference and come join us?

Nicaragua Details 2026

MCF’s next trip to Nicaragua is January 7-13, 2026 (Tentative).

The ALL INCLUSIVE cost is:

  • $1600 Before Sep 15; $1800 After Sep 15 (For MCF Members)
  • $1800 Before Sep 15; $2000 After Sep 15 (Non-Members)

A deposit of only $200 (non-refundable/non-transferable) is needed to secure your spot. The deposit is applied to the trip cost. These prices are ALL INCLUSIVE except for travel food and about $50 for in country expenses.

*For a FREE info packet & any other questions, click HERE